But I include Dillinger Escape Plan here because although I don't particularly care for the bulk of their insanely intricate, unbelievably aggressive metalcore material, this is band that never shies away from taking wild, out-of-left-field chances, and when they drop it down a notch, the results...whether it be this album's Widower or previous release Ire Works' Milk Lizard...are often incredible.
So a huge thumbs up here from me for Widower and album closer Parasitic Twins. I leave the analysis of the rest of the album's material for those who actually enjoy contemporary metal.
Status: You Decide.
Component Breakdown:
1. Farewell, Mona Lisa - ?
2. Good Neighbor - ?
3. Gold Teeth On A Bum - ?
4. Crystal Morning - ?
5. Endless Endings - ?
6. Widower - 9
7. Room Full of Eyes - ?
8. Chinese Whispers - ?
9. I Wouldn't If You Didn't - ?
10. Parasitic Twins - 8
Intangibles - Low
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